Didn’t want to include my current framework preferences in the piece itself, but for those who are interested: I'm currently using Next.js with a postgres connector (pg-promise). Most of my pages are really dumb with some very basic interactivity. When the state in DB has changed, I usually fetch the updated data as a whole and replace the entire page (or large portions of it). I prefer to optimize API endpoints and DB queries before considering switching to partial UI updates. I have one piece that is highly interactive though, which is the rich text editor component, used to compose documents, comments, and messages.

I'm considering switching to Svelte at some point, as it is close to the metal and would fit for my dumb-pages as well as the interactive editor parts. I don't want to end up using two different frontend frameworks. Generally, I try to keep my codebase so small, I'd not be afraid of rewriting it completely within a couple of weeks. It's one of the biggest dangers on the implementation side, that because of technical debt and limited time, I'd need to make bad decisions. I wouldn't want to run a software which uses multiple competing frameworks, because of the legacy-parts of the app. That said, I'm not opinionated on which framework to choose, with a preference for lightweight dependencies. I think it's ultimately not about the tech, but really how you decompose a problem until a minimalistic solution is revealed.

Regarding the infrastructure part. I intensely tested literally all available Zero DevOps solutions and to me, Northflank is the hidden champion at the moment.

If you have any specific questions on my approach and setup, let me know and I’ll go into more detail.