
Understand and master your mind.
Panic attacks cured by shadow work?!

Ask your psychologist what to do about panic attacks or night terrors - you’ll get no further than the advice to “minimize stress” and perhaps medication. This client tells a story of another solution - a permanent one - we found together. From struggling with panic attacks and night terrors all his…

Erik Jongbloed in Psychology on Sep 16, 2023
My girlfriend filmed me reliving a birth memory (which permanently fixed my moody mornings)

It all started when she noticed me biting her head off after she’d wake me up. Even though she tried to get me out of bed in the nicest, sweetest way - I’d hold a grudge until noon! It had become a pattern. So we decided to do shadow work to see if we could fix this. The first session (documented he…

Erik Jongbloed in Psychology on May 23, 2023
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